Monday, October 20, 2008

Trees have eyes, yet they cannot see

My eyes...

They see things differently than how you see them. You look at a tree and see a tree. I look at the tree and see how it bends to the unforgiving force of the wind..and I feel it; the gnarled bark and twisted limbs that climb to the sky to capture the slightest ray of sunshine, or fall to the earth and river to desperately seek the nourishment it needs to survive. My eyes see more than leaves, roots and thick, bulky trunks.

I am a tree... sometimes old... withered... needy tree who's branches find some comfort wrapped around ideals and memories that fade with each passing day....

Other times... willowy, graceful (at least trying to be) and always searching to shelter, protect and keep safe those that cannot fend for themselves. The water of the river that runs so deep, reflect the need to protect as be protected... to bring order in otherwise chaos.Teaming with life and exuberance; taking in every opportunity to do more than get by on the bank of the river, but to truly LIVE.

My eyes see... things you may not. Even in the darkness of the many different kinds of trees around me. If you could see what I see..... Who knows what you'd think of me then...

Who knows...

1 comment:

justjim andwendy said...

With a tree or a flower, it's not an individual leaf or blooms that makes it beautiful.
It's the mixture of the colors, shapes, and fragrances.
So too, with people it's the differences that make us a bouquet.
and uniquely beautiful!